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The Triumphant Return of LevelUp Radio

By February 1, 2013 No Comments
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Tune In, Turn On, Drop Bears (It’s an Australian thing)

A new year has begun and with it begins another episode of LevelUp Radio. If you’ve not heard of it before, LevelUp Radio is a monthly podcast run by the LevelUp – IGDA Victoria group and hosted by erstwhile members Jordan Reed and Matt Cowlrick. The show focuses on happenings in the local game development community and the industry in general. This episode, Jordan and Matt are joined by yours truly and we discuss what’s new with the group and then follow with an in-depth discussion of productivity and accountability in your work as a game creator.

You can find more details at the LevelUp Radio homepage, including links to the podcast and the latest episodes. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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