Sam Newman has come under fire for his controversial comments made about George Floyd. While Newman described Floyd’s death as “disgraceful”, he also declared he was “a piece of shit”, drawing massive criticism.“He has been in jail five times, he held up a pregnant black woman with a knife, he’s a drug addict, he’s a crackhead and he’s a pornstar,” Newman ranted.“He’s dead because of the police brutality and it never should have happened. Because they don't see us as human. "But I am telling you who George Floyd is, now they've made a monument about him and he's a piece of shit. Controversial former AFL player and broadcaster Sam Newman is refusing to back down on the controversial George Floyd comments that preceded his split from Channel Nine.. Newman … But as for what’s next, Newman said he was “probably the first to experience the cancel culture in Australia and I’ll probably be unemployable”. Sam Newman's priceless Sunrise interview Two Channel 7 stars saw the funny side of Sam Newman running for Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Sam Newman has revealed he has received death threats since airing his controversial opinion about George Floyd. AFL commentator Sam Newman has resigned from Channel Nine after he attracted criticism for making comments about George Floyd.The former Geelong captain and media personality was widely criticised after describing George Floyd as a "piece of shit".Floyd was killed when a police officer in Minneapolis kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes, sparking protests about the treatment of black people by police around the world.On his podcast show, You Cannot Be Serious, the 74-year-old took aim at Floyd and his criminal record. Sam Newman on The Footy SHow. Pic: GettySam Newman no no regrets about his George Floyd remarks. And they said, ‘That would be acceptable’.“They thought about it, they rang me back and they said that would be a very good solution to this problem that we are facing and I have no problem doing it.“It affects me not one iota, I don’t need to be on the television.Sam Newman says he's been abused and threatened over his George Floyd comments. “Let’s see how this gets reported. "George Floyd's criminal past shouldn't disqualify him from being seen as a human being first. And, for me, the last 35-odd years have been fantastic. "Sam Newman is doing exactly what he has always done," Lumumba wrote. Do you think I crave attention?”Newman did elaborate on his split with long-term employer Nine, which came after an online petition calling for his sacking, gathered steam.“Channel 9 rang me up and said, ‘We’re getting a bit of blowback from the sponsors of the Sunday Footy Show’,” Newman said.“And I said, ‘Well, before you go any further, if it will help Channel 9’ — because I have no problem with Channel 9 at all, they’ve been a great employer and they’ve given me every opportunity to be successful, which I have been.“I said … if it would help by me withdrawing my services from appearing on your station or my station, I will do that forthwith. Sam Newman's 35-year career with Channel Nine is finished after former Footy Show host called George Floyd 'a piece of sh*t' in extraordinary rant TV personality and Footy Show host Sam Newman … "Unsurprisingly, Newman's comments re: George Floyd show that [he] doesn't have a clue about what the Black Lives Matter is about. "His contribution to The Footy Show was paramount to the enormous ratings success the show enjoyed over many years. "Newman said in a tweet that the decision was mutual. But he said he was relaxed about who he is and having an opinion because “we’re being taken for a ride”.Newman was also outspoken over golf being suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic. "We thank Sam for his service with Nine over several decades," a Nine spokesman said. Customers have less than one-in-five chance of payback The decision was made mutually and amicably,” the statement read.“Sam Newman has been a part of the football landscape in Melbourne for generations. Controversial former Channel Nine footy icon Sam Newman has opened up on the abuse he and his family have copped over the explosive comments about George Floyd that preceded his split from the TV network.“George Floyd … is piece of s***,” Newman said on his podcast You Cannot Be Serious.“He has been in jail five times, he held up a pregnant black woman with a knife, he’s a drug addict, he’s a crackhead and he’s a pornstar.”“He’s dead because of the police brutality and it never should have happened. The 9 network and I have MUTUALLY decided that, in the station’s best interests, I withdraw form appearing on their programs - forthwith. Controversial AFL figure Sam Newman reiterated his contentious George Floyd comments and vowed to be even more unfiltered in the future. Can’t wait. "They hope I die, they hope I’m murdered, they hope I’m shot, they hope my grandchildren get raped by felons, they hope my house gets burned to the ground, they hope someone ends up stabbing me.“Do you think I want to put myself through that for the sake of saying a very accurate statement about a man who shouldn’t have been killed but is a very ordinary person?“Why would I want to?
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