Roberts took part and there were many blessings. For the Christian â be filled with the Spirit.Secondly we learn that giftedness and zeal must be balanced with wisdom and rest. His brother Dan told him that his eyes were very weak, but Evan prophesied that they would be healed and they were.
“Send the Holy Spirit now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.” He prayed it firstly, then everyone in the meeting was to pray it in turn.
In either case whoever carries the revival must have a close relationship with the Lord, be sensitive and discerning of the Spirit, have leadership gifts, be completely focused and dedicated to the task, have great energy and passion and be able to capture the attention of a large number of people through teaching and prayer. The Sunday meetings were full of Holy Spirit and Roberts, as usual, was thinking all the time on heavenly matters.
After speaking on the last chapter of Malachi, Roberts asked some of those who had not made a public confession of Christ, to do so.
The meetings took two or three days to get going, but the breakthrough came and there was much blessing.The next in the series of conferences organised by Jenkins was to begin in Blaenannerch, the Wednesday of Joshua’s meetings, and some of the students from Newcastle Emlyn, including Evan Roberts, went there.
By the autumn of 1905 Roberts’ influence had waned; he was not really needed anymore as he had done his job. It is said that the pit ponies could no longer understand the miner’s instructions because of the absence of oaths and curses.I have calculated that Roberts held close to fifty services in the first month of the revival.
His 1904 revival had been, probably, the last great outpouring of Christian values and belief. For much of the time Roberts taught the children at the new Pisgah chapel and it was good training for the work that he was called to do later. Sixty confessed Christ at the Sunday meeting and it was here that he taught them the prayer ‘Send the Spirit now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.’By November 7th, the start of the second week; people in the town were convinced that some irresistible power was gradually taking hold of the people. That thing must be removed. During a young people’s meeting the following Sunday, Florrie stood up and said ‘I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart’. Regardless of the rather puzzling latter portion of his life, Roberts accomplished more good and touched more lives in the short span of the heat of the Welsh revival than most men could in a dozen lifetimes. You must ask the Spirit to bend you afresh. In one meeting where he showed up, he reminded the congregation of Christ’s promise that where two or three were gathered together, He would be there in their midst. He grew up in a coal mining community and quit school to become a coal miner at the age of twelve.
Public houses and beer clubs were empty; old debts were repaid, family feuds were healed; drunks and gamblers were praying in the services and the chapels throughout Glamorganshire were full every night. The Welsh Revival & The Story of the Welsh Revival: As Told by Eyewitnesses Together With a Sketch of Evan Roberts and His Message to The World by William Stead , …
Another way it can spread is for some gifted person, who has experienced the revival, to take it beyond the walls of the church or the local area.
Robert’s was concerned during the time of study for these exams, because more often than not he found the desire to pray stronger than the desire to study. “Send the Holy Spirit now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.” He prayed it firstly, then everyone in the meeting was to pray it in turn.
Joshua was converted in a Salvation Army meeting and he immediately set about saving souls. Often it has been said that Evan Roberts is not the author of the Welsh Revival. Evan Roberts, a young man God used to set a nation on fire for God Before Azusa Street in 1906, there was the Welsh Revival in 1904. The most significant connection to the Welsh Revival was the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 in California. Holy Spirit had been stirring since the beginning of 1904 at Trinity, an English speaking (the other chapels so far mentioned were Welsh speaking) Calvinistic Methodist chapel. She had felt so bad about leaving the chapel before the end of the meeting that Evan helped her in prayer until she found peace.
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