
Mid-Month Non-Denominational Holiday Brewpub Social!

By December 15, 2011 No Comments

It might be easier to play that game without gloves on, Santa. Just sayin...

I thought a reminder might be in order for the IGDA Victoria Mid-Month Brewpub Social coming this Saturday. This month it transforms into the Mid-Month Non-Denominational Holiday Brewpub Social (or MMNDHBPS for short). Come on out and share some holiday cheer with the rest of the Victoria Game development community and dream about all the new games you might be getting. Hope to see you there, if not have a happy holiday of whatever variety you subscribe to!


Saturday, December 17, 2011, 2:30 PM


350-B Bay Street

Victoria, BC

Phone: 250 380 0706



Level Up meetup event

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