
June Monthly Meeting Reminder & Call For Speakers

By June 1, 2012 No Comments

I personally find Mr. T to be very inspirational.

This is a reminder of the monthly meeting for June taking place on this coming Monday evening. Let’s discuss the latest events in the industry, tales of going Indie, and game-play design, challenges, and solutions!

This is also a call out to all you crazy game-makers out there to consider stepping up and speaking at one of our meetings. I’ve met so many talented people at these gatherings and I’d love to have more of you get involved and give a short presentation on some aspect of game development that gets you excited. One of the things that makes game development so interesting is all the different disciplines that go into creating a game: programming, producing, design, sound, music, art, writing, the list goes on. If you do any of these activities in the act of creating games, we want you to talk to the group about it. Or if you have an idea for a talk you’d like to see, let us know. We may just be able to get it together for you. Please send us a note at IGDA Victoria. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


Monday, June 4th

The Collard Room – Swans Hotel and Brewpub

506 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC

Doors open at 4:30pm

RSVP via the Meetup event: Show & Tell @ Swans

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