On July 20th, he passed away at the age of 38, and his death was confirmed in a statement on Monday afternoon by the Hawthorn Football Club on behalf of the Tuck family.“On behalf of the Tuck family, the Hawthorn Football Club is deeply saddened to inform the football community of the passing of Shane Tuck,” the statement said. He was aged 38.The heartbroken family was overcome with emotion as they honoured Tuck, played 173 games for Richmond and was last week remembered by former teammates as an admired, much-loved and “warrior” like player.Tuck’s wife Katherine paid tribute to her husband, who shared some parts of a letter that would also be buried with him.“You had an amazing life and accomplished so much,” Katherine said in her tribute.“You were robbed of your life in the end by the illness and what was happening in your mind.“We know that your two biggest achievements were (children) Will and Ava, and I will keep your memory living on in their lives.
His father urged others struggling with mental illness not to suffer alone.Hawthorn great Michael Tuck (pictured with his children, Renee, left, Shane when he was nine years old, and Travis‘A lot of men think they’re all right and they’re actually not, and the best help they can get is telling people actually how bad they are, and not saying, ”I’m all right, I’m all right”,’ he told the paper. He lost his battle with the black dog of depression on MondayIn 2010, Tuck’s younger brother, Travis, became the first player to be suspended following a third strike under the AFL’s illicit drugs policy.It was a huge story at the time in footy mad Melbourne and the younger Tuck was forced to hide out in his home with reporters camped outside. “Nothing but love all round.“We fought Shane’s battle alongside him until the end — and I knew how much he loved me.”A poem was also shared by Sally, which read: “God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. Died: July 20, 2020 Trending Travis Tuck had been found unconscious by police and wound up in hospital.The AFL’s own policy was then criticised because clubs were not informed when players had copped two strikes. The former Tigers midfielder passed away on Monday morning at the age of 38, leaving behind his wife Kat and two children Will and Ava.
Tuck’s wife Katherine paid tribute to her husband, her voice quivering as she vowed to keep his memory alive with the couple’s two children. Pictured: Kat addressing the crowd of people at the Melbourne service, alongside her daughter, Ava, and Tuck’s sister, Renee‘I know you have the peace and contentedness and calm that this life did not afford you … and that your suffering has stopped and that you were so strong,’ Ms Tuck said.‘We know that your two biggest achievements were Will and Ava, and I will keep your memory living on in their lives.‘Like the song “Forever Young” that we danced to at our wedding, you will remain forever young in our hearts.’ Tuck’s father, former AFL games record holder Michael Tuck, also trembled as he addressed the room. Katherine Tuck, known …
Richmond was the club which offered him a second chance at an AFL career, reckoning his father had been a late bloomer and Tuck might be the same.It was a gamble which paid off as he became a fixture in what was then a struggling Tigers team. Shane Tuck and wife Kat at the 2012 Brownlow Medal. Wife He was married to his wife Kat and has children named Will and Ava. ‘He struggled with serious mental illness for a long, long time.’ The curse of mental illness has not been confined to just Shane. ‘It’s hard to explain right now … He’s your son and he’s gone. He was aged 38. After footy, he dabbled in a boxing career, rising through the amateur ranks to fight in five professional bouts between 2015 and August 2017.He won three times, lost once and drew his last bout.The Tigers said in a statement it was mourning the loss of the ‘courageous and brave’ midfielder who was loved by teammates and fans. ‘They knew at Hawthorn and they knew it at Richmond,’ he said. He became a cult figure, people loved him,’ Riewoldt said.‘You always walked taller when you had Shane Tuck playing next to you. He clutched his chest and struggled to speak.AFL legend Shane Tuck’s Pakenham ceremony, in Melbourne’s southeast, on Tuesday (pictured)Shane Tuck, a Life Member of Richmond Football Club, died last Monday. Shane Tuck son of legendary former Hawthorn captain Michael Tuck. Shane Tuck is being remembered as a "unique character" and "a really good friend" after the former Richmond player died, aged 38.
There was plenty to love about him. See you again.”Renee then comforted her father Michael, who briefly spoke to acknowledge all the support the family had recently received,“I’d just like to thank all the people who have spoken highly of Shane,” he said. Shane Tuck, a Life Member of Richmond Football Club, and the son of AFL record holder Michael Tuck has died suddenly, aged 38. Katherine Tuck’s voice (pictured) trembled as she spoke about her late husband, Shane Tuck, at his funeral service on July 28. The voice of AFL star Shane Tuck's wife quivered as she addressed mourners at her late husband's tear-jerking funeral service.
Love you, mate. The wife of the late Shane Tuck has vowed to keep her husband’s memory alive with the couple’s two children during an emotional funeral service for the Richmond life member. ‘He was one of those players who you loved to spend time with.
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