Green Party of Alberta319-3630 Brentwood Rd NWP.O. Creating a Constituency Association (CA) will mean you can give tax receipts for donations and hold events that raise Green awareness and attract new members and volunteers. He was involved in the organization of many constituencies for the PCs delegate selection meetings, PCs and Wildrose unity vote and UCP leadership vote. In due course EA registers your CA, assuming everything is in order. These activities include fund-raising, or the collection and reporting of contributions. Tyson Newby is the current CA President for the riding. Our focus has always been elections. Following the July vote of PC and Wildrose members to join together in the new United Conservative Party, party treasurer William Stevenson sent a memo to Tory constituency association presidents and financial agents asking for their help to settle an outstanding party debt of around $684,000. You will attach a copy of your CA’s Constitution to the minutes of the meeting at which it was adopted. There is a pre-approved standard CA Constitution. From the checklist, you can see that the Party asks for some documents following your founding meeting. This section provides detailed information for constituency associations, including how to register and how to follow filing requirements. We share a desire to make the world, our country, our province and our neighbourhood a better place to live. I had my winter gear on and hand-warmers in my mitts. Kelechi (Kaycee) Madu was born and raised in the Southeastern part of Nigeria. PO Box 1045, Edmonton, AB T5J 2M1, Canada. v. Her Majesty the Queen are being affected by the climate crisis. Harrington said she couldn’t specify how many constituency associations had given their funds to charity or volunteer appreciation. Contact information is available on our Parties page. The documents requested are to support your CA’s request for endorsement. Contact us at with whatever questions and concerns you may have about getting started – or to share your enthusiasm about the prospect. Decide on a time and place for your founding meeting. For specific constituency association information, please contact the associated political party. There are two versions of the form available from Elections Alberta’s Constituency Associations page. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. The next issue of Calgary Herald Headline News will soon be in your inbox. It was a long road to 2015, when Lori was first elected in Rachel Notley’s orange wave. We can also send the invitation to GPA contacts who are not members but might be inspired to join. These activities include fund-raising, or the collection and reporting of contributions. Constituency association members also help with the candidate selection process and with on-the-ground campaigning. The application is filed with Elections Alberta (EA). We all want to make a difference. Mine read “Unite Behind the Science,” but the edges were fraying from all the winter months of protesting. Airdrie-Cochrane Send us an email or contact us on social media with any inquiries. He worked tirelessly for Jason Kenney during the two leadership campaigns and throughout the pursuit of conservative unity. Kaycee enjoys giving back to the community in a variety of ways. Ryan Slenders is the current CA President for the riding. The CFO of your CA will become familiar with EA’s filing requirements. For the first time in decades, Alberta politics are competitive, the Herald editorial board notes. But in an email sent Monday to local PC officials, Stevenson said the UCP’s interim joint board — which now administers the UCP, PC and Wildrose parties — voted at its Oct. 14 meeting to deregister all the constituency associations as of Monday. However, Harrington said Elections Alberta clarified that constituency associations have an obligation to help deal with the party’s debt as it winds down. Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Calgary Herald, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. For information on how to contact each UCP Constituency Association, select the name of the Constituency Association. Send us an email or contact us on social media with any inquiries. Compose your notice of meeting (the invitation). Daniel Owens is the current CA President for the riding. Join the Wave of New Green Constituency Associations. Kaycee supports community development, loves soccer, politics, public policy and international affairs. I was elected as the first president of the newly formed constituency of Edmonton-Riverview in the lead-up to the 1997 election. The CA should abide by the Party Constitution and Bylaws and always uphold the good reputation of the Party. Send us an email or contact us on social media with any inquiries. “The IJB did not make this decision lightly. Here is a checklist to help you through the steps of CA formation. In Edmonton-Riverview we aim to keep things casual and inclusive. He was subsequently called to the Bar in Nigeria. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. The EA registration form is the one item a CA needs to send to the Party as a hard copy. Send us an email or contact us on social media with any inquiries. They are represented in provincial and federal politics and are key to decision-making, including policy development, which in the NDP comes from the grassroots. To ... My name is Sadie Vipond, I am 14 years old, and I am part of a lawsuit against the federal government. One is a form you can partly fill in online, but you will still have to print it out and sign it before sending it to the Party. Sign up for our newsletter! Read more about cookies here. Naturally some volunteers shudder at the idea of knocking on a stranger’s door and talking to them about politics. Thank you to all our members and supporters for attending tonight. This excludes routine correspondence and the regular quarterly and annual filings if the CA is in good standing and is not insolvent or otherwise in difficulty. Constituency associations are the basic building blocks of political parties. Besides, sharing ideas and camaraderie in joint efforts to create an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable Alberta can make the work a pleasure.
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