Downy mildew is a serious production problem for spinach and there are now 14 races of this disease; seed companies are constantly developing varieties resistant to races of this disease. Spinach is marketed as three different commodities: fresh market clipped and bagged, fresh market bunched, and frozen. We have been conducting research on ways to improve the nitrogen use efficiency of spinach and there are some promising fertilizer technologies such as controlled release fertilizers and nitrification inhibitors that show good potential for reducing nitrogen application rates to spinach while maintaining yield and quality. In 2016, the U.S. season average farm price for fresh spinach was $50.60 per hundredweight. Over the 2004–06 period, U.S. growers produced an average of 867 million pounds of spinach for all uses, with about three-fourths sold into the fresh market (includes fresh-cut/processed). Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a leafy green flowering plant native to central and western Asia. All rights reserved.
The image of Popeye opening a can of spinach, pouring it into his mouth, and then cleaning up the bad guys still lingers in the imagination of many people of the Baby Boomer generation. Water quality issues are also a serious concern for growers in the coastal production districts and spinach is a particularly vulnerable commodity to water quality concerns. The leader in profits, production and education for produce Production costs and net profit varies depending on the location, size of the farm, amount mechanization, and market. Richard Smith is a University of California Vegetable Crop and Weed Science Farm Advisor at the Cooperative Extension in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties.
U.S. annual per capita consumption of fresh spinach was 1.5 pounds per person in 2016, down from a record 2.0 pounds per person in 2006. Spinach Cultivation Spinach is a relatively fast-growing plant that … While cooking spinach somewhat degrades its folate and vitamin C content, cooked spinach provides higher levels of vitamin A and iron than raw.Approximately 47,500 acres of spinach were harvested in the U.S. in 2016. The average yield in 2016 was approximately 15,000 pounds per acre for fresh and processed spinach. At just 7 calories per uncooked cup, it is is an excellent source of folate, and vitamins K, C, A, E and B-6. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.The names, words, symbols, and graphics representing Iowa State University are trademarks and copyrights of the university, protected by trademark and copyright laws of the U.S. and other countries.© 2020 Ag Marketing Resource Center.
U.S. annual per capita consumption of fresh spinach was 1.5 pounds per person in 2016, down from a record 2.0 pounds per person in 2007. It is of the order Caryophyllales, family Amaranthaceae, subfamily Chenopodioideae.
Nearly all clipped spinach is now grown on high-density 80-inch wide beds. Nearly all the production is of varieties with smooth, flat leaves. Spinach has several characteristics that put it at risk for leaking nitrate to ground and surface waters. Seeding rates depend on the commodity being grown. How to Store Spinach: Refrigerate unwashed spinach in a loose plastic bag up to 3-4 days. I am not sure how many from the X, Y, and millennial generations have seen Popeye cartoons but hopefully the image of spinach as a food that can keep you healthy and strong remains strong, minus the influence of Popeye in popular culture. Spinach is a quick-maturing, cool season leafy green vegetable crop. In California, spinach is produced nearly all year, but the emphasis of the industry has shifted from Popeye’s canned spinach to fresh and frozen products. Spinach is a quick-maturing, cool season leafy green vegetable crop. Spinach ranks as one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods. How to Select Spinach: Choose spinach with leaves that are crisp and dark green. Needless to say, the outbreak For example, growers now examine every field prior to harvest looking for signs of animal intrusion, as well as follow a long list of food safety practices. Bagged spinach (also known as clipped spinach because it is mechanically harvested) is produced on the majority of acreage. Resistant varieties are an important way the industry manages downy mildew, in addition to control provided by fungicides.
Spinach ranks as one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods.
Baby and teenage clipped fields are seeded with 2.7 to 4.0 million seeds per acre, whereas bunched and freezer spinach will vary from 1.0 to 2.3 million seeds per acre. Avoid limp or yellowing spinach leaves. The spinach industry has changed over the years to keep pace with the changing preferences of the market. Historically, the average price for canned spinach has been much lower than that for frozen spinach; in 2014 prices were $68 and $144 per ton for spinach for canning and freezing, respectively.According to a University of California report, harvest and post-harvest costs were 56 percent of the production costs for spinach. Spinach can be prepared in a variety of manners, including: fresh, steamed, boiled, or sauteed. With nearly year-round production in the coastal valleys, it produces approximately 65 percent of all acres in fresh spinach production.
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