0000062490 00000 n • Scratch resistant lid. 0000015417 00000 n 0000183317 00000 n • Dishwasher safe. instructions for the Vegetable Steamer here! 4 57 The rice cooker comes with a handy measuring cup and rice paddle. This is great to put in a small Decor Tellfresh® storer and add to school lunches as a delicious treat. Savoury rice garnish ideas 0000033683 00000 n Product Features: 0000059272 00000 n Plus, you can use the cooker to prepare soups, stews, and even oatmeal! Remove from microwave. • Microwave safe. Fluff rice in jug using two forks. Note: The plain rice can be spread out and left to dry for several hours to make the perfect base for fried rice. 0000114427 00000 n Cover with lid and let rest for 2 minutes. Rice Cooker & Warmer NP-NVC10/18. • Stain resistant red bases. Mix 1 cup thick Greek-style yoghurt and 1 cup chopped fresh fruit or frozen but thawed raspberries or mixed berries. 0000047135 00000 n H��Wˎ� ��W��{�R��|]%�� �ѐ�ؙ]�t0��� 3�{��F]�$�A�ݟ���O_�w������pw>����L���#��kz�_o?������z�{~N��ϟ��t%-����~�*�L��ƊA��fv�����z��˿n����?������>��|�r���\}�e�K[=�&������ӑ��;��/dI�B��. 0000116350 00000 n Other features include the red steam release vent and safe-hold handles that stay cool to the touch for easy lifting in and out of the microwave. white long grain brown short arborio quinoa Microwave on high for 17 minutes without the lid. Note: If using rice for desserts and serving cold, be sure it is well cooked and soft as it will firm once chilled. You can make up to 4 cups of cooked rice in the Decor Microsafe® 2.75 litre Rice cooker. 0000076766 00000 n trailer <<16983EDE178A4AEFB4AD74B4AE5FCEAA>]/Prev 263487>> startxref 0 %%EOF 60 0 obj <>stream Sweet Rice Ideas 0000002583 00000 n One rice cup measure of dry rice will yield 2 standard cups of cooked rice. For ˜rst time use refer to packet instructions for indicative cooking times. 0000028394 00000 n 0000052649 00000 n 0000106046 00000 n Induction Heating System Rice Cooker & Warmer NP-HCC10/18. Put into jug 1 cup medium or long grain rice and 2 cups hot water. 0000055809 00000 n 0000028722 00000 n 0000008404 00000 n 0000009607 00000 n • Australia made. 0000019687 00000 n The rice cooker comes with a handy measuring cup and rice paddle. Online Shopping for Kitchen Small Appliances from a great selection of Coffee Machines Bl… Stop and check cooking progress at regular 5 minute intervals. 100-gram can tuna in sauce and 2 chopped hard boiled eggs or lots of chopped parsley or mixed herbs or basil pesto or 1 cup fresh tomato sauce and 1/3 cup grated Parmesan. 0000186235 00000 n 0000060788 00000 n 0000048812 00000 n 0000002549 00000 n 0000044259 00000 n 0000008573 00000 n Note: The plain rice can be spread out and left to dry for several hours to make the perfect base for fried rice. 0000048455 00000 n Microwave without lid on high until cooked through (about 12 minutes). and • Steam release vent. 0000107965 00000 n 0000033352 00000 n 0000002355 00000 n 0000097338 00000 n 0000033190 00000 n 0000009105 00000 n 0000039272 00000 n 0000058809 00000 n 0000060499 00000 n 0000007926 00000 n Add garnish to rice while it is resting. 0000001745 00000 n 0000047020 00000 n Savoury rice garnish ideas 100-gram can tuna in sauce and 2 chopped hard boiled eggs or lots of chopped parsley or mixed herbs or basil pesto or 1 cup fresh tomato sauce and 1/3 cup grated Parmesan. 0000076491 00000 n 0000052217 00000 n For a better experience using this website, please enable JavaScript in your browser. 0000164662 00000 n For a better experience using this website, please enable JavaScript in your browser. You can find instructions for the Rice Cooker here You can make up to 4 cups of cooked rice in the Decor Microsafe® 2.75 litre Rice cooker. Cooking time 12 minutes. IH + Micom. 0000002928 00000 n 0000059188 00000 n Microsafe™ Rice Cooker and Vegetable Steamer, 2.75L. h�b``0c``�����t�,*`c����iH�fP���� ��������\8�qC;�'�+bzf �2� 140j�n��2c�gdecx�`ī���c�8��1c$��J��l-���z��3�d�e_���=VR�=QLg���yI�8n6F��X�+�4H�@� �� 2 endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj [/ICCBased 25 0 R] endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj <>stream *Note: When measuring uncooked rice, use the included rice cup, which is ¾ of a standard cup. 0000095337 00000 n Induction Heating System Rice Cooker & Warmer NP-GBC05. Preparation time 1 minute. 0000023971 00000 n instructions for the Vegetable Steamer here! 0000056244 00000 n 0000122060 00000 n 0000046907 00000 n 0000095210 00000 n 0000062843 00000 n 0000048728 00000 n • Food safe, free of BPA and recyclable. 0000181909 00000 n 0000001685 00000 n 0000175399 00000 n • Freezer Safe. Decor is thrilled to announce partnership with Australian Made Campaign, Introducing New Range of Double Wall Reusable Cups, Decor design excellence celebrated by Monash University, Peanut Butter Choc Smoothie with Sophie Pearce, Blood orange, rockmelon and cinnamon water, Microsafe® Rice cooker and vegetable steamer, 2.75 L. Decor is thrilled to announce partnership with Australian Made Campaign, Introducing New Range of Double Wall Reusable Cups, Decor design excellence celebrated by Monash University, Peanut Butter Choc Smoothie with Sophie Pearce, Blood orange, rockmelon and cinnamon water.
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