Even though Sarfaraz Ahmed was left out of the playing XI for the opening Test against However, the incident brought strong criticism against the team management, with former Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Akhtar terming it disrespectful.“I didn’t like the visual. Pakistan's customary post-World Cup clearout is complete after the PCB sacked Sarfaraz Ahmed as the Test and T20I captain ahead of the November-December tour of Australia. In their most recent Test series, they were swept 3-0 in South Africa in December-January, and, prior to that, had lost a three-Test series in the UAE 2-1 to New Zealand - that was a second loss in three Test series (including one to Sri Lanka the season before) in the UAE, as near a fortress as Pakistan had until Sarfaraz took over the captaincy. Oct 18 2019 .
To add to his woes, Sarfaraz has also been dropped from both the teams following a run of poor form in the two formats. 'Feel Blessed to be Born as Your Daughter': Sharmistha Quotes Tagore in Tribute to Pranab MukherjeeAparshakti Khurana to resume shoot for solo-hero project 'Helmet' on Sep 7Voompla has become a Bollywood news brand that millions follow for their daily fix Sarfaraz Ahmed Should Retire from Tests, Focus on White-Ball Cricket: Ramiz Raja (Eds: Repeating after spelling correction in headline) Karachi, Aug 11 Former Pakistan captain Ramiz Raja believes wicketkeeper-batsman Sarfaraz Ah.. In his place, Azhar Ali has been named the Test captain and Babar Azam leader of the T20I side. "But, his loss in form and confidence is visible and, in the best interest of the team, it has been decided to leave him out and provide him the opportunity to reflect and regroup himself and try to reclaim his form away from international cricket.
Sarfaraz, a … My good wishes are with Azhar Ali, Babar Azam and the Pakistan cricket team, and I hope they will continue to grow stronger and stronger," Sarfaraz said.Azhar is not a surprising choice, given his status as the team's most reliable Test batsman, although there had been talk about Shan Masood as a potential option. Former Pakistan captain Ramiz Raja believes wicketkeeper-batsman Sarfaraz Ahmed should retire from Tests and focus on white-ball cricket.
Sarfaraz Ahmed isn't a part of the playing XI for the first Test between England and Pakistan Sarfaraz was spotted carrying drinks for players on Day 2 of the 1st Test in Manchester Pakistan head coach Misbah-ul-Haq was criticised by some fans for making Sarfaraz carry drinks in the match Many fans back home were shocked and started to raise questions.Due to a foot injury sustained by usual One day captain Azhar Ali, Sarfaraz became the captain for the After a horrendous T20 World Cup 2016 campaign, the T20I captain On 9 February 2017 following the resignation of then captain Azhar Ali from ODI captaincy, Sarfaraz Ahmed was chosen to succeed him thus making him a full time limited overs captain of Pakistan. Sarfaraz Ahmed performing the 12th-man duties during the 1st Test between England and Pakistan. "I am ready for this challenge and also willing to learn more in the process. Sarfaraz retained as captain for Sri Lanka series . "There is no bigger honour than to captain the Pakistan national cricket team in the pinnacle format of the game," Azhar said. Former Pakistan captain Ramiz Raja believes wicketkeeper-batsman Sarfaraz Ahmed should retire from Tests and focus on white ball cricket.
I want to thank all my colleagues, coaches and selectors who have helped me in this journey. "Sarfaraz Ahmed's contributions are second to none and being the gutsy cricketer and fighter that we all know he is, I have no doubts he will be back in Pakistan colours at some stage.
Raja feels Sarfaraz Ahmed should focus on white-ball cricket where he will be respected as well. The 17-man squad named by head coach Misbah-ul-Haq for the three-match T20I series in England also retains Mohammad Hafeez and Shoaib Malik, who were recalled to the T20 side for a three-match series against Bangladesh at home in January. But Azhar is a safe appointment, now 73 Tests old and in good domestic form: he is second on the list of highest run-getters in the ongoing Quaid-e-Azam Trophy. And the loss to Sri Lanka had as much the imprint of Misbah on it, with his selections for the series, as any other player - indeed it is believed Sarfaraz was not happy with Misbah's decision to recall Ahmed Shehzad and Umar Akmal to a side that didn't need such drastic selections.But it hasn't helped that Sarfaraz's form has been poor across all formats.
Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article Sep 13 2019 . It took seven long years for the spotlight to return to Sarfraz, when he made 74 in Pakistan's total of 359 in the second innings against Sri Lanka in Dubai. Sarfaraz Ahmed returns to Pakistan's T20 squad for the first time since losing the captaincy last year. I am not saying carrying the shoes is a problem, but former captain can’t do that,” Akhtar said.Latif also had a similar opinion on the incident but hailed Sarfaraz’s spirit.
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