July is the hottest month in Calpe with an average temperature of 25°C (77°F) and the coldest is January at 11°C (52°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in July. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Typical July weather in Calpe is clear and sunny days and warm to hot evenings and virtually no rainfall. Fortunately on most days you will most likely have cooling sea breezes.If you are renting or hiring a villa or apartment in Calpe in the summer you may well want to look to rent a villa or apartment with air conditioning or at least one with fans otherwise you may have trouble sleeping at night, especially if you are coming on holiday from a northern European country where the temperatures are much lower.The average temperature for June in Calpe is 23 degrees Celsius. The Mediterranean Sea remains warm and you can still swim well into October.
Always wear a high sun cream factor especially if you are on Calpe’s beaches. The chance of rainfall decreases although nights are still cool.
20°C min night temperature; 14. Temperatures at night in the summer in Calpe rarely drop below 15 degrees Celsius.Because Calpe’s humidity is low you won’t feel the temperature is as high as it really is.
Typical August weather in Calpe is clear and sunny with no rainfall and hot evenings. The sea temperature in October for Calpe is 21 degrees Celsius which for most people is still warm enough to swim.In November Calpe weather is changeable but often fairly warm and usually sunny with an average monthly temperature of 15 degrees Celsius although there is always a chance of rainfall.
From the Temperature Humidity to UV and Solar information on the evaporation the sun and wind have for effect each day.
The average sea temperature in February for Calpe is 14 degrees Celsius and too cold for most people to consider swimming.Calpe’s weather and climate in Spring picks up especially after March when the beaches begin to become popular once more. Below are the temperatures expected today at popular destinations in the Get your weekly fix of holiday inspiration from some of the world's best travel writers plus save on your next trip with the latest exclusive offersGet your weekly fix of holiday inspiration from leading travel writersNew airline routes & holiday destinations for 2020/2021Where to go on holiday in September for the best weatherWhere to go on holiday in October for the best weatherWhere to go on holiday in August for the best weather On this page there is a whole summary of information about the weather in Calpe at this moment. In April Calpe weather is usually heating up rapidly with many nice warm sunny days with an average monthly temperature of 16 degrees Celsius. The average maximum temperature lies around 24.0°C (75.2°F).
The temperatures are unpredictable and can vary greatly in winter however, one day it can be over 20 degrees Celsius and you will be walking around in your t-shirt, on another day it can be 6 degrees Celsius and feel very cold.If you are visiting Calpe in winter be careful to ensure that if you rent a villa or apartment that it has some form of heating, preferably central heating. Calpe is a town on the Costa Blanca coast of Spain and enjoys more than 2,800 hours of sunshine each year with an average annual temperature of 19.3 degrees Celsius.Because the Calpe weather and climate is so favourable, Calpe has become a popular tourist destination for sun lovers enjoying approximately 325 sunny days each year.Many people are also choosing to live in Calpe due to the excellent all-year round weather conditions.This page gives you information on all aspects of Calpe weather.
The sea temperature in June for Calpe is a nice warm swimmable 20 degrees Celsius.Perhaps the best month to visit Calpe as July has the most sunshine hours and the least rainfall of the whole year. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The average monthly temperature for August in Calpe is a very hot 27 degrees Celsius.
Travel tips for Spain, expat advice and job information...Description of the different seasons and months of the year.We show you the weather now as well as today’s weather in Calpe, the latest current temperature in Calpe and the conditions in Calpe i.e. The temperatures are unpredictable and can vary greatly in winter however, one day it can be over 20 degrees Celsius and you will be walking around in your t-shirt, on another day it can be 6 degrees Celsius and feel very cold.If you are visiting Calpe in winter be careful to ensure that if you rent a villa or apartment that it has some form of heating, preferably central heating. Please also visit Calpe Historical Weather, Weather widget and Weather Charts pages. The chance of rainfall is still fairly high and nights are still cold. Do take precautions and keep out of the sun between 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock.
Typical September weather in Calpe is clear and sunny with perhaps some rainfall in the form of brief showers. Calpe, Spain: Annual Weather Averages. The average temperature for July in Calpe is a very hot 26 degrees Celsius. Always wear a high sun cream factor especially if you are on Calpe’s beaches. We have a description of Calpe’s climate, we have today’s weather, we have up-to-the-minute current weather temperature for Calpe as well as a more detailed 10 day forecasts for the weather in Calpe.You can also see live views of Calpe on our webcam page.The weather in summer in Calpe is typically very hot with little to no rainfall.
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