The inner bulb coats are whitish or pinkish, the outer coats are brownish and membranous with persistent parallel fibers. 0000001173 00000 n
Monitor burned populations for post-fire persistenceHerbaceous perennial with 1-3 elongate bulbs terminating in a thick, iris-like rhizome; outer bulb coats veined with parallel, not net-like, persistent fibers; leaves obtuse, flat, strap-like 12-30 cm long, 8mm wide; flower stalk erect, longer than the leaves, up to 45 cm long; umbel persistent, erect, loose, 18-23-flowered; tepals erect, purplish-pink; flowers campanulate, 8-10 mm; pedicel 15-20 mm, elongating in fruit. Protect intact, unburned populations. Goodding's onion. Allium gooddingii fait partie des plantes bulbeuses et tubéreuses. trailer
Isotype of Allium gooddingii Ownbey, F.M. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Aluka®, and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA.
28 pp.Citation: New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council. 0
xڵZ�r�:ݻ����U�,Z|���sl�q�X�Dʤ�*��$\�I;�g�/��Ѓ'5�EL3 �h�>}���?d����n~����|$��������������h9���ϗ�c9f�������Y������nz�f���Y8r�h������� Allium gooddingii est une espèce du genre Allium, qui comprend environ 943 à 1011 espèces … Res. Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico.
Genus: Allium Species: Allium gooddingii. Species Allium gooddingii Ownbey – Goodding's onion P Enter a scientific or common name at any rank. 0000012528 00000 n
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Arizona. 0000002423 00000 n
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L'allium, ou ail d'ornement, aux fleurs en boules rondes perchées au sommet de hautes tiges sont superbes en massifs et en bouquets. Ils sont un genre important dans l'alimentation humaine, qui comprend de nombreuses plantes alimentaires, condimentaires et aux vertus médicinales [1], [2]. Unpublished report prepared by EMNRD-Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM for the U.S. 0000019726 00000 n
Highly Safeguarded. Allium gooddingii Ownbey. Allium gooddingii Ownbey – Goodding's onion Subordinate Taxa. leur floraison est très longue et … 2n = 14.Allium gooddingii is known only from the mountains of east-central Arizona and adjacent New Mexico, and the Santa Catalina Mountains of southern Arizona.
0000000756 00000 n
Le genre Allium regroupe des plantes monocotylédones de la famille des Amaryllidacées (certains auteurs l'ont classé dans les Liliacées). %%EOF
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Scape persistent, solitary, erect, solid, flattened, narrowly winged distally, 34–45 cm × 1–3 mm. Thick rhizomes are present.
Allium gooddingii is a beautiful tall onion with erect bright purple flowers. xref
In the Lincoln National Forest Allium gooddingii is found above 10,000 ft in the understory of spruce-fir forests, open meadow areas and ski runs adjacent to spruce-fir forests. Flowers from late June to early September.New Mexico: McKinley, San Juan, Lincoln and Catron counties; Arizona: Greenlee and Pima counties.The majority of plants occur at the base of steep slopes and moist drainage bottoms in the shade of spruce-fir and mixed conifer forest and aspen between 6,500 and 9400 ft. 0000016591 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
Allium gooddingii in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. 0000001312 00000 n
Therefore little data is available about the status of the species prior to the fires. Inventory and monitoring. The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose. 33 0 obj<>stream
Umbel persistent, erect, loose, 18–23-flowered, conic, bulbils unknown; spathe bracts persistent, 2, 3–5-veined, narrowly lanceolate, ± equal, apex acute. %PDF-1.4
0000017057 00000 n
Entry for Allium gooddingii Ownbey [family ALLIACEAE] Bulbs 1–3, clustered on thick, iris-like rhizome, elongate, 2–3 × 0.5–1 cm; outer coats enclosing single bulb, brownish, membranous, minutely striate, cells in regular vertical rows, elongate, not fibrous-reticulate, fibers persistent, parallel, few, coarse; inner coats whitish or pinkish, minutely striate, cells in vertical rows, elongate. Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico, … endstream
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Albuquerque, NM: New Mexico Rare Plants Home Page. <<1FBA9A1F7DFD574EBDD101867960579B>]>>
Remarks Over 90% of known localities for Allium gooddingii occur in the Gila National Forest and the adjacent Apache - … 11 23
1949 [family LILIACEAE]
1999. Other threats include climate change, logging, post-fire restoration activities, ski-run development, and potentially grazing. x�b```e``vd`a`ș� Ȁ �@1�������p"�V�5�=��(� $�:��H@��r|�lV;�00i~�eLd���ի�� �4鸢ϔ��L]lL��@ĵ b.��� [�� � ::�
H�dU{PSw�QC~�|�R��ڕ�3�٭]�ک��UuQ�E Seed coat dull or shining; cells each with minute, central papilla. Plantation de l’ allium 0000012835 00000 n
The leaves are flat and 5-10mm wide. �@ o� �� y���\�Q %PDF-1.4
References . (Allium gooddingii) Wildfire Impacts on Species of Concern Plants in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, 2016. Isotype of Allium gooddingii Ownbey [family ALLIACEAE] 0000012759 00000 n
48 pp.Roth, D. 2016.
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