Calor Bt Firmware Update, Silikat Innenfarbe Weiß, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Geschenke An Bewohner, Notenrechner Prozent Grundschule, Gründe Für Verlängerung Psychotherapie, Globus Simmern Tankstelle, Alte Fabrik Kaufen München, Wernigerode Schulen Corona, Uni Hannover Institut Für Dynamik Und Schwingungen, " />

vietnam religion 2020

By August 30, 2020 No Comments

This article was written in Vietnamese by Tran Phuong and was previously published in Luat Khoa Magazine on August 3, 2019. According to the preliminary results of the 2019 census, the total population of Vietnam increased by 12.1% from 85.85 million in 2009 to 96.21 million ten years later. However, a few Falun Gong practitioners that we interviewed told us that practicing and promoting Falun Gong were just a voluntary act. That young man was Huynh Phu So, who has been described as having a slender figure, a luminous face, and an articulate manner of speech. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Photo: Saigon and Hanoi were marked by two high cement columns on the map, allowing the two cities to be seen even when high tide submerged the map. Furthermore, sources informed The Vietnamese Magazine that the authorities have yet to officially approve any of Doan Trang’s attorneys to be her legal representatives. Religion Bulletin, November 2020: The Saigon Archdiocese Sues The Ho Chi Minh City Authorities, Religion Bulletin – October 2020: Authorities Forbid Thien An Abbey Clergyman From Returning Home. As promised, the focus of today’s dev diary is Vietnam. She advised me to eat vegetarian and call a phone number to receive “messages that will be imprinted on your heart”. When he cleared the sleep from his mind, he saw that his motorbike was propped up neatly in a motorized boat. Doan Trang was arrested under a warrant on October 7, 2020 in Ho Chi Minh City. These regulations should be the internal matters that the religious organizations voluntarily manage, but the government is directing them to comply with specific instructions. At the same time, only governmental departments regulating culture and religion may decide whether a material is superstitious or not. 4 Le Duan Rd. Finally, a significant number of people—nearly 1.2 billion worldwide—remain nonreligious or have Atheist beliefs. Phap Mon Dieu Am (in Vietnamese), a new religion founded by Master Ruma, has been rising in popularity over the past few years, and has a YouTube channel with more than 24,000 subscribers and over 9 million views. Before that, on the evening of July 6, the press had reported a prison riot at the same detention center. Hanoi People’s Procuracy notified Truc that they had decided to transfer the case to the People’s Court of Hanoi after recommending her indictment on August 30, 2021. However, connectivity continues to remain an issue for those living in extreme poverty and for ethnic minorities who live in the remote mountainous areas of Vietnam. Hinweis: Aufgrund der sich häufig ändernden Bestimmungen sind alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Known for its beautiful beaches, rivers, and pagodas, Vietnam is a country in the Southeast part of Asia. Major Cities . Lam was sentenced to nine years in prison for “posting anti-state writings and sharing videos and other content, including broadcasts considered politically subversive,” and for “creating, storing, disseminating information and materials against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.” Minh was given five years of jail time for “abusing democratic freedom” and for his objections to the Dong Tam land dispute incident.Â, The report continues with the arrests of Facebookers Tran Hoang Huan and Bui Van Thuan, on August 10, 2021, and August 30, 2021, respectively. In the northwest region, especially Dien Bien Province, two new religions have sprouted, known as the Gie Sua and the Ba Co Do religions. Publication policies are particularly strict when it comes to religion or politics. The seminar was organized as Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) faced a severe social welfare crisis due to the government’s tightening of social distancing guidelines to contain a COVID-19 outbreak. (His) Morality united Vietnam to live together with meditative hearts. Vietnam makes no progress with freedom of religion, which remains tightly controlled. It sent out an employee who accepted the monk’s letter but rejected his coconut because the American president was unable to accept gifts from foreign dignitaries. Breadpfeil. In reality, to reduce potential problems involving religion, such as being discriminated against in recruitment to some governmental departments or joining the Communist Party, many families may declare that they are not members of any religion even though they actually follow a religion. December 21, 2020 Vietnam’s Sole Military Ally By Khang Vu. These Vietnamese refugees stated that they were suffering a lot of oppression from the government with regard to their religious rights, land rights, poverty and racial discrimination. Steinbeck wrote in his memoir that his days spent at the pagoda were the happiest time of his life. Moreover, Hoa Hao Buddhism’s philosophy was able to reconcile individual and family lives with responsibility for the nation, based on the foundation of the “Four Gratitudes,” providing people with the rationale for becoming practitioners. was tried in the beginning of 2013 with 13 other young activists who were either Catholics or Protestants, representative of the Vietnam Border Defence Force in Dak Lak Province, local human rights organization in Cambodia informed AFP, in 2019, the number of Hoa Hao Buddhists had fallen to 983,079 people. People following new religions are becoming increasingly common in Vietnam. From March to May 2020, there were at least 22 Falun Gong adherents who were arrested because they possessed and passed out flyers promoting their religion (find the detailed story in the [Religion 360°] section). He would sit at the center of this group and pray for seven days with no food or drink. The Hanoi People’s Procuracy Office prosecuted Doan Trang under Article 88, Section 1, subsections a, b, and c for “propagandizing against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ” of the 1999 Penal Code. In March 2020, three Ba Na followers of the Ha Mon religion that had absconded into the jungle for seven years were arrested on suspicion of spreading anti-state propaganda.  In June, rather than being charged, the three underwent criticism sessions before the people. Predictably, Vietnam’s violation of internet-user rights is just as rampant compared to prior years with “police routinely [flouting] due process, arresting bloggers and online activists without a warrant or retaining them in custody beyond the maximum period allowed by law.”. In both cases, it was alleged that temples were built without government permission. Breadpfeil. Even though we can say that publication activities are getting easier in Vietnam, it is not the same situation with sensitive topics such as politics and religion. Readers can also check out a number of other Luat Khoa articles to find out more about the Falun Gong: Is practicing Falun Gong legal?…, and our Religion Bulletins from May, June, and September. The Coconut Monk then had his follower bring over a map he had drawn the day before that matched what Steinbeck had just stated, confirming a strange coincidence. The authorities stated that on April 4 and 5, six parishes in Ha Tinh organized prayer sessions for hundreds during church ceremonies. Phap Mon Dieu Am is a new religion, and the Vietnamese government prohibits spreading it. Arrested Falun Gong practitioners have been administratively punished based on a decree regarding publishing. Specifically, they were punished for distributing flyers without government approval. In the spring of 1968, journalist John Steinbeck IV, the 22-year-old son of internationally-renowned American writer John Steinbeck, followed his friends down to My Tho (in today’s Tien Giang Province) to meet an enigmatic Zen Buddhist monk, the Coconut Monk, a person whom some of the officials in the southern government saw as a mentally ill, troublesome old man. In 1940, in the area of Chau Doc, the French began taking notice of an unusual young man who announced the establishment of Hoa Hao Buddhism and who became the head of a religion at only 19 years of age. This non-fiction work is a mixture of several genres. It wasn’t until 1985 that the government released the diminutive monk, who weighed less than 40 kg and reached less than 1.4 meters tall and allowed him to return home. We are summarizing the main issues from the 15-page indictment, which you can read here in Vietnamese. The fears of both the Communist and the Nationalist sides were not so different. The CIVICUS report begins by highlighting the cases of several Facebook users who were arrested or imprisoned under Articles 117 and 331 of Vietnam’s Criminal Code. The Nam Quoc Pagoda later became a tourist destination, and the Vietnamese press continues to write stories smearing the Coconut Religion to this day. Until this day, independent journalists and human rights defenders could hardly contact the people who live in the Central Highlands due to these above-stated reasons. Young People Distance Themselves from Religion. 1. In reality, charity and humanitarian activities are the core values of many religions. You may yourself see in public spaces a number of people practicing Falun Gong, numbers which are growing by the day in Vietnam. Im Buch gefundenIn doing so, they have also attempted to define what constitutes a legitimate religious practice (tin nguong). In social life, Vietnamese generally do not employ the word most commonly translated as 'religion' (ton giao) to describe ... In Vietnam, the Coconut Monk was buried according to his will: his body was standing up. Its official currency is Dong (VND). Not long after its establishment, the religion would quickly catch fire in the hearts of countless citizens. Bernie Sanders zeigt, dass eine wahre gesellschaftliche Erneuerung nur von links geschehen kann. This regulation allows the government to administratively fine individuals who distribute materials, including even those that were already permitted. If you look closely, you’ll see individuals dressed in brown, their hair placed in high buns, worshipping Buddha in the simplest of ways at home – without the knocking of wooden bells or the reading of scriptures, but rather, only with the placement of flowers, incense, and water. The attempted seizure of the Phu Lam Cao Dai Temple also demonstrates that the government does not accept the idea of practitioners there operating independently. Father Lai urged prayers for government leaders that they respect and ensure people’s freedom of religion, including in Vietnam. These divisions, however, did not hinder the development of the movement. At the pagoda, he allowed the construction of many structures, including a model of the Seven Mountains, an image of the Buddha laying his hand on the body of Jesus, an image of the Virgin Mary embracing Guan Yin, and a nine-story tower. In this engaging work, experienced journalist Bill Hayton looks at the costs of change in Vietnam and questions whether this rising Asian power is really heading toward capitalism and democracy. 2020 war der natürliche Anstieg positiv, da die Zahl der Geburten die Zahl der Todesfälle um 94.859.658 überstieg. The Ministry of Education and Training is responsible for inserting propaganda on ethnicity and religion into the educational curriculum at every level of study. I Syd har religionen Cao Đài fundet sit indpas og dens hovedby er Tây Ninh. Thuong refugees in Thailand have stated that members of their ethnic group from the Central Highlands escape across the Vietnamese border every month. Upon arriving in My Tho, Steinbeck’s group climbed onto a motorized boat and headed to the Coconut Monk’s sanctuary in the middle of the My Tho River. In the end, the actions of the Vietnamese government serve only as a reminder of its ineptitude during times of crisis and its callousness to the plight of everyday Vietnamese; in its relentless attack against internet freedom and freedom of speech, the more pressing and immediate threats to the welfare of the Vietnamese people remain half-heartedly addressed. However, it is challenging for these religions to meet the strict government requirements for recognition according to the Law on Faith and Religion. The triple religion (Vietnamese: tam giáo), referring to the syncretic combination of Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, and Vietnamese folk religion(oft… Like Hai Duong provincial police, Tuyen Quang provincial police on social media urged people not to listen to the shared information and invitations to join the religion. Vietnam is among countries with the greatest diversity of religions, but it is also among those that suppress freedom of religion most heavily. Regarding accessibility, Freedom House states that smartphone and internet penetration in the country has been good with internet prices becoming more affordable. There are still no statistics specifying the number of Falun Gong proselytizers in Vietnam, but some of the members believe that their population is rising. The government has moved from seizing religious properties after 1975 to now “re-appropriating” them. Amor concluded that Buddhist, Cao Dai, Hoa Hao, and Muslim religious organizations could not be established nor operate independently of the government. Concurrently, the government also regulated that the Committee for Religious Affairs has the sole authority to “publish Bibles, prayer books and mantras, religious teachings, fiction and religious readings produced by religions that are allowed to be practiced in Vietnam”. The authorities ordered four religious activists in the Central Highlands, Pastors Nguyen Ngoc Khanh, Y Kuan E Ban, Y Quy Bdap, and Y Khen Bdap to come in for questioning after they met with an American delegation regarding religious freedom. Unrecognized religious groups, including Cao Dai, Hoa Hao, Christian, and Buddhist groups, face constant surveillance, harassment, and intimidation. Followers of independent religious group are subject to public criticism, forced renunciation of faith, detention, interrogation, torture, and imprisonment. Around 7 percent of the population is … However, the news media in Vietnam describes the Falun Gong with skepticism, asserting that the Falun Gong movement is illegal and also against science so the media  continues to publish propaganda to discourage people from following it. Police claim the religion’s statements violate state laws, propagate superstitions, and take advantage of beliefs for personal gain. The letter the embassy received was an unprecedented petition. In June 2020, the Government Committee For Religious Affairs ordered the Tien Thien Cao Dai Temple to “create regulations for active dignitaries and functionaries, as well as regulations to resolve letters of petition and grievance, and the selection of dignitaries to be applied to its followers”. That is what has happened to Falun Gong proselytizers who were arrested and fined when they passed out flyers that the government had not approved. They have not yet been allowed to resume general education activities. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 28... within 30 years', Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Strategy for 2011–2020, which intends that Vietnam will 'become a modern industrialized country by 2020', Romania's National Sustainable Development Strategy 2013–2020–2030, ... You have printed the flyers and will pass them out to your relatives, neighbors, friends, and even strangers who sit in the park. At that time, several people began noticing him, especially the fact that he only drank coconut water and only ate a bit of fruit for daily sustenance. Nguyen Duy Linh was arrested on September 14 and charged by state authorities with “conducting anti-state propaganda” under Article 117 of the country’s Criminal Code. As of October 2020, at least 66 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and punished administratively for storing or distributing flyers regarding the religion. Während des … The activities of the independent Hoa Hao Buddhists are forbidden. However, the Vietnamese government said that the refugees fled the country because they were lured into an anti-state scheme or because of economic hardship. According to this estimate, it will be 70% the size of the UK economy by 2040. On July 7, some inmates were transferred to the T30 Detention Center in Cu Chi Suburban District to implement social distancing. People who want to follow Master Ruma can fill in an online form and wait for a “messenger” of this sect to meet with them in person and instruct them on how to practice their religion. Leading Industries Of Vietnam . Buddhism has, however, been a driving political force in Vietnamese history, and in 1963, monks led the resistance against the government of South Vietnam. [15] The household poverty line is based on per capita income and deprivation in accessing essential social services. Colonel Nguyen Luong Hoa, the political commissar of the Border Defence Force in Dak Lak Province, claimed that Vietnamese Montagnards were being lured to Cambodia to fight against the Vietnamese government. Reasons may include the government’s increased propaganda activities hindering the religion’s practice and the complications surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Nam, in the approximate period from 1947 to 1955, Hoa Hao Buddhism became a competent military force with the help of the French. A scuffle broke out between the two sides at a residential home, leading to the Coconut Monk’s death. With regard to religious issues, Vietnam’s journalists present information according to government instruction. At that time, exiles who had faced repression under Ngo Dinh Diem, such as Nguyen Long Thanh Nam, returned home to restore the religion. The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data at the country level for each of the components of the Human Capital Index as well as for the overall index, disaggregated by gender. People found the fact that he found religion near the sacred Seven Mountains irresistible. The Coconut Monk released the cat and the rat into one cage, but the cat did not consume the rat. Text and Context in the Modern History of Chinese Religions is an edited volume (Philip Clart, David Ownby, and Wang Chien-ch’uan) offering essays on the modern history of redemptive societies in China and Vietnam, with a particular focus ... Gesetzliche Feiertage 2021 in Vietnam. Da religiöse Institutionen aber immer auch eine gewisse Konkurrenz zum staatlichen Einfluss auf die Bevölkerung darstellen, wurden Religion und deren Institutionen zumindest in der Vergangenheit seitens der Kommunistischen Partei Vietnams mit Misstrauen behandelt. Steinbeck also felt something he couldn’t quite put his finger on when he stepped foot onto the enigmatic pagoda. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 79also known as the Wugushen , Wuguxiandi , and Thần Nông , is a mythological Chinese and Vietnamese deity in Chinese and Vietnamese folk religion and venerated as a mythical sage ruler of prehistoric China and Vietnam . At the end of that meeting, this group announced the dissolution of the Management Committee, S.D. Im Buch gefundenDas Königreich von Champa deckte um 500 n. It was precisely because of the government’s sensitivity that the Coconut Monk was forbidden from travelling to Cambodia to pray for peace in 1961. The government has stated that prisons and detention centers across the country were strictly implementing COVID-19 prevention measures. More than that, the government implemented strict punishment of any followers who opposed the government’s handling of religions, such as applying the Penal Code or suppressing and harassing critics on a daily basis. Rights Group Urges EU to Highlight Religious Freedom in Vietnam Dialogue 02/21/2020 Vietnam (International Christian Concern) – On February 19, Human Rights Watch (HRW) submitted recommendations to the EU, asking the entity to focus on five priority areas regarding the dire human rights situation in Vietnam, during the 9th European Union-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue, held in … The first dynasty that many consider to be the start of the Vietnamese state was the Hong Bang Dynasty which was ruled by the legendary Hung kings. As of 1 January 2021, the population of Vietnam was estimated to be 97,988,051 people. In the beginning, besides linking up with different religious and political organizations, Hoa Hao Buddhists also connected with the Viet Minh to advocate for Vietnamese independence. Im Buch gefundenThich Nhat Hanh zeigt, wie wichtig Achtsamkeit ist, um den Herausforderungen des Lebens gelassen und entspannt zu begegnen. This number seems to be correct if one looks at all of the Cao Dai temples from the south to the central provinces of Vietnam. A number of Hoa Hao Buddhists changed sides and worked with the French to oppose the Viet Minh. Currently, religious organizations do not have the legal grounds to demand their properties back if the government refuses to return them. While his co-defendants were sentenced to between two and four years in prison, Ho Duc Hoa was handed a harsh 13-year sentence. This Decree imposes strict administrative and criminal penalties on violators who fail to adopt personal protective measures in compliance with the guidance of health agencies. In beinahe jedem Haushalt befindet sich mindestens ein Ahnenaltar, an dem Verstorbene verehrt und um Rat gefragt werden. There are no private television or radio stations that operate freely in Vietnam. Die angeschriebenen Fahrpreise im Taxi gelten nicht pro Person, sondern pro Fahrt. But for what? In recent years, all official newspapers in Vietnam have criticized the Falun Gong movement and its ‘impropriety.” These publications have only conveyed government views rather than the views of its adherents. Control of publishing certainly exercises a heavy influence on the development of religions, and it is impossible to avoid the idea that the government censors with a heavy hand to purposefully limit this development. Hinzu kommt aus vereinzelten Ländern eine größere Dunkelziffer, die aufgrund staatlicher Restriktionen nicht schätzbar ist. The Government of Vietnam’s Decree 117/2020/ND-CP regarding fines for non-compliance in the medical sector went into effect on November 15, 2020. In 2020, ethnic Thuong in the Central Highlands, Hoa Hao Buddhists, independent Cao Dai practitioners, and followers of new religions in the northwest all had to pay the price for exercising their freedom of religion. No one knows if the letter ever reached President Johnson, but everyone knows that the Coconut Monk never gave up his dream of bringing peace to Vietnam. In Phu Yen Province, after supporting the unsuccessful takeover of Phu Lam Temple, provincial authorities invited five members of the temple in for questioning. Both illustrate a very grim and depressing reality about Vietnam: that despite international pressure, in the form of U.S Vice-President Harris’ visit, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the VCP is more concerned about maintaining power and control over its people than prioritizing their welfare and safety during these difficult times; the Party would rather control the narrative than work to give actual aid to much of its struggling populace.Â. This country’s capital, Hanoi, is known to be the home of the country’s Communist era. When will these religious organizations be able to conduct charity independently and without hindrance? Die wahre Zahl kann jedoch höher sein. In a conference marking 25 years of state management of the Cao Dai religion, “the church of churches,” i.e. Vietnam became one of the most religiously oppressive countries on earth at the time. In other words, both her family and her attorneys still do not know what evidence the government has against Doan Trang or the details of the charges against her. Today, religious organizations are allowed to operate in preschool education (kindergarten) and vocational training, but only to a minimal degree. Die Verfassung Vietnams sieht generell eine Religions- bzw. Father Toan stated that he accidentally found out that the government refused to provide him with a passport because the Hanoi police accused him of conducting activities against the State. This is nothing less than an extremely severe violation of both domestic and international laws. His head was not wrapped as his followers; instead, his ponytail was plaited and wrapped in a white cloth, which the Coconut Monk stated was in the style of Jesus’ crown of thorns. In February 2020, Tuoi Tre Newspaper had to remove an article about Venerable Thich Quang Do’s career. The evidence included the two times he ran as a presidential candidate in the 1967 and 1971 elections, where he raised a large number of campaign funds, supposedly from his followers. However, after the upheaval of April 30, 1975, which saw the fall of the government of the Republic of Vietnam in the south, the vibrant religious scene in the south darkened under the shadow of the victors. “Our connections are very loose,” a Falun Gong practitioner stated in an interview with Luat Khoa. Screenshot of Vietnam section on CIVICUS website. We do not have statistics on the number of followers of these two religions during different times, but the current government policy is to try to stop them from developing through the enactment of a numbers of drastic rules and regulations to control religious practices. On the other hand, some police officers put down “no religion” when processing identification cards for people, possibly  to reduce the number of followers of a religion or to reduce its influence. They follow Buddhism, but they do not pray to statues or depictions, but rather, a wooden board painted crimson, placed squarely in the center of the altar. Vietnam should suspend charges against six Hoa Hao Buddhist followers and investigate whether police actions against them were taken for discriminatory reasons or religious persecution. Many people, including the government at the time, believed that the Coconut Monk used the cover of religion to conduct politics. 227. On the roof of the enormous blockhouse were approximately 40 Marines with their guns trained on the group of people below. In January 2018, the Provisional Government of Vietnam was labeled a “terrorist organization” by the Vietnamese authorities. The Liberated Saigon article stated that the leaders of the religion, Luong Trong Tuong and Huynh Van Nhiem, “opposed religion, the nation, and the revolution.” It also described a three-day high-level meeting of some Hoa Hao Buddhist leaders in Thot Not Suburban District, Can Tho Province. EU Parliament’s Members Ask Vietnam To Release Activist Hoang Duc Binh, Reiterate Human Rights Benchmark for EV-FTA. However, it was only made public on October 18, 2021, in Vietnam, just more than two weeks before Pham Doan Trang’s trial. The second is "other religions", a catch-all that tracks smaller faiths such as Shintoism, Taoism, Sikhism, and Jainism. The independent followers of these two religions often stated that the regime only allowed the followers that  obeyed  government instructions and controls to become the leaders of the two “official” and “recognized” associations for Cao Daism and Hoa Hao Buddhism. Between 2017 and 2019, the government banned him from traveling overseas twice. Â, In February 2020, a Khmer monk named Seun Ty had his passport confiscated for two weeks, with the government threatening that he had violated Vietnam’s Cybersecurity Law. Sie befinden sich hier: Startseite. Both of these religions were established during the time the French colonized the south of Vietnam, and they attracted many followers for decades up until 1975. Pham Doan Trang. Distribution also includes materials that could be “given, gifted, or lent”. Todesstrafen nach Ländern im Jahr 2020. keine Todesstrafe. Policies from 2003 related to land and properties of religious organizations  helped local authorities gain usage rights over religious properties  that they were “borrowing.”. Facing strict government rules and regulations regarding publishing, the new religions are continuously finding different ways to publicize their beliefs while being classified as “cults” by the regime. [kilde mangler] Økonomi. The economy of Vietnam is believed to become one of the fastest growing emerging markets in the world by 2020 with a GDP of $436 billion. After 1975, social welfare and philanthropic activities conducted by religions were disrupted. Authorities worry that new religions will destabilize security and spur anti-government activities. These refugees stated that they ran away from Vietnam to Cambodia because they were fleeing oppression at home. Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam. The Vietnamese government’s approach to containing the spread of the virus has been questionable at best with its use of state media and propaganda to control the narrative and deployment of the military to enforce lockdown measures.Â. Religionen. Länder. [5] According to information provided by the government, the riot was caused by an inmate who created a scene while the detention center was conducting COVID-19 screening. Party. According to Trong, villagers will “evaluate impoverished and borderline-impoverished households (those who previously followed the false religion in particular, and the entire population in general)” according to the principles of democracy and fairness. The statement indicates that the Mang Yang Suburban District government has used the household poverty line to force families to give up the Ha Mon religion. One sect, the Hoa Hao Buddhist Church, was permitted by the government to operate and is headquartered at An Hoa Temple in  Phu My Town, Phu Tan Suburban District, An Giang Province.

Calor Bt Firmware Update, Silikat Innenfarbe Weiß, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Geschenke An Bewohner, Notenrechner Prozent Grundschule, Gründe Für Verlängerung Psychotherapie, Globus Simmern Tankstelle, Alte Fabrik Kaufen München, Wernigerode Schulen Corona, Uni Hannover Institut Für Dynamik Und Schwingungen,