€249.38 per 100ml. Questions to the product. In diesem video zeige ich dir die Anwendung des Alessandro Striplacs nach Angaben des Herstellers. StripLAC StripLAC Peel Off UV LED Nail Polish - Starter Kit (Old Packaging) Now £49.95 £41.63 RRP £119.95 £99.96 | Save £70.00 £58.33 BUY View Add to wishlist Set obsahuje: LED. Po narozeni dcery jsem si postupne zacala delat manikuru sama. Follow us on your favorite platform and stay up to date! 48-526 striplac peel or soak velvet red 5ml ingredients: aliphatic polyesterurethane acrylate, hema, di-hema trimethylhexyl dicarbamate, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, ethyl trimethylbenzoyl phenylphosphinate, nitrocellulose, silica dimethyl silylate, ci 73915, lauryl polyneopentyl glycol adipate phtalate/pei-45 crosspolymer/lauryl polyneopentyl glycol adipate, acetyl tributyl citrate . Mit dem Striplac Starter Kit gelingt Euch in gerade…" alessandro International on Instagram: "Die LED-Nagellack-Innovation für zu Hause! Hybrid Soul Gel Polish. Mit Alessandro Striplac wird Nägel lackieren so komfortabel wie nie zuvor! Discover the Professional world of alessandro. Umwerfende nägel für alle gelegenheiten - Striplac hält 3 Mal länger als herkömmlicher Nagellack. 18,99 € STRIPLAC PS 168 Flower Crown. sävyn vaihtaminen käy helposti kuorimalla vanhan lakkauksen kynnen . K jeho správnej aplikácii v domácom prostredí sa vám bude hodiť táto striplacová štartovacie sada. If you want to make the switch from regular nail polish to Striplac, we recommend buying one of the starter kits. Adjustments are possible later (e.g. Alessandro STRIPLAC TOP COAT MATT 8 ML. © 2013 alessandro International | All rights reserved. 4.4 out of 5 stars 740 ratings. Alessandro Make-up ️ Dein Beauty Onlineshop ️ Versandfrei ab CHF 29 Gratis Beauty-Proben über 900 TOP-Marken DOUGLAS! 48-523. Top coat, base coat, UV paint, repair laquer, nail hardener, silicone protection, quick-dryer and colour restorer. alessandro Striplac Starter Kit French, 1er Pack. Alessandro STRIPLAC TOP COAT MATT 8 ML . <br /> - Purchase on account possible<br /> - from 100 free shipping<br /> - 14 days return guarantee<br /> - B Mail Der Alltag kann manchmal ganz schön fordernd sein und oft kommen durch Stress die Momente zu kurz, die uns glücklich machen. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit Deluxe at the best online prices at eBay! Ob zu Hause nur für dich oder mit deinen Freundinnen beim Mädelsabend - unser Starter Kit zaubert eine langanhaltende Maniküre mit Gel-Optik. Take note that these steps you are about to see can actually be done at home as their starter kit comes with all the items! 7,95 € / 50 Stk. Commercial Customer Shop. Swiss online shop with the hottest beauty and cosmetic trends. Das Starter Kit umfasst alle Produkte die für eine Striplac Lackierung benötigt werden. in the "Cookies" footer): alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Pastell Edition 8ml, RefectoCil Augenbrauenfarbe-Wimpernfarbe Entwickler Creme 3% 100ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak (Brown & Grey) 5ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Starter Kit French, OPI Nail Lacquer Nutcracker Collection 15ml, OPI Infinite Shine IST11 - ProStay Primer 15ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak neue Farben 8ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak 486 French Rose 8ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Prime Coat 8ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Travel Set, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak (Pastel) 5ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak (Pink) 5ml, alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak (Red & Orange) 5ml, Content control depending on the customer group, Used for the execution of Javascript or Captcha challenges, Creation and evaluation of website statistics, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. 1. alessandro Nail Polish Nail Polish10ml. • IDEAL SIZE for the whole hand. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Alessandro Striplac Starter Set/kit LED Lamp Nail Polish Nr27 No 04 Nude at the best online prices at eBay! 2. Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit. mani che vanno incontro alle necessità e alle richieste specifiche di ogni donna, e appositamente formulati in base all’età e alle condizioni Aloituspakkaus sisältää kaiken tarvittavan Striplac-lakkauksen tekoon. Striplac Starter Kit Deluxe Peel or Soak LED Device. Thanks for inviting me to the Alessandro International Striplac event! alessandro. Which one dries quicker? The manicurist at the little booth. Det er jeg vildt fan af Jeg har prøvet det på, altså ikke det kit som i kan vinde, men det kit jeg selv har og . La Προς το παρών για τις αποτριχώσεις και τα μαλλιά δεν σας έχω λύση. Wir bieten verschiedene Versionen von Striplac Kits an. 48-173. Я купила стартовый набор Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit для французского маникюра. Nach Hause lieferbar. €19.95. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Obsahuje nielen nevyhnutnou 6W LED lampu, ale aj leštiace pilník, odmasťovacie vankúšiky, minerálne zatlačovač kožičky, báze . Auch eine leistungsstarke LED-Lampe erhältst du, wenn du das Set von Alessandro Striplac kaufst. Reviews. E, una volta tolto, l’unghia naturale sottostante è sana e intatta perché Striplac è “6-free” e quindi privo di sostanze Prav tako ne vsebuje GelLack odstranjevalca, ki ga tudi kupite posebej. che non rivelano la propria età! Free shipping for many products! V DM-u za 49,90 eur, kar, če pomisliš, da sta to dva obiska pri profesionalki, niti ni tako veliko. Tutte le nuove collezioni Alessandro con i colori del momento e i prodotti di cura e trattamento nelle varie edizioni limitate, Una vasta scelta di prodotti a prezzi scontati fino al 50%, Distribuito in Italia da: EMMEGI DISTRIBUTION SRL via Friuli 12, 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), P.IVA: 04787200262 - tel:+39 043873693 - cell: +39 3456059664 - mail: info@alessandrointernationalitalia.com, e quindi privo di sostanze Infatti, grazie alla €139.95. €10.50. 18,99 € STRIPLAC PS 167 Velvet Spring. Limited Edition Accessories Here you will find all the accessories for Striplac. Oltre all’alta coprenza convincono per la lunga tenuta e la rapida asciugatura. For over 25 years, alessandro International is a synonym for the perfect hand, nail and foot care. ALESSANDRO Striplac Starter Kit Zaujal vás vyzliekacích lak na nechty Alessandro Striplac Peel Off? 379,00 € pro 100ml. 14 Privacy Notice) - by selecting "Select all and continue" or optional purposes in conjunction with "Apply selection". Striplac è l’unico semipermanente al mondo che non necessita di alcun tipo di acetone o solvente per la rimozione. 261 Likes, 1 Comments - alessandro International (@alessandrointernational) on Instagram: "Zum Start ins Wochenende zaubern wir uns mit dem Striplac Starter Kit in nur 15 Minuten die…" Denne omgangs beautykalenderlåge indeholder et Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit som har alt man skal bruge for at lave en fuld mani, som ikke bare er rigtig holdbar, men når den skal af igen, så kan den altså bare pilles af! x It was nice meeting the lovely Britta who is the Alessandro International brand representative, we had a lovely chat and she shared all the exciting Alessandro International nailpolish news! 36 NEW. Keine . Gelinio lakavimo rinkinys ALESSANDRO Striplac Starter Kit. Einmal mit dem Starter Kit ausgestattet, kann man weitere Lackfarben und Produkte aus der Striplac-Palette dazu erwerben. 113,93 € / 100 ml. Ca tombe bien, j'ai justement reçu le Kit d'Essai Striplac d'Alessandro, dispo en exclu chez Sephora. 2 100 Lekë . Una linea innovativa di trattamento piedi sviluppata nei laboratori di ricerca Alessandro. con preziosi ingredienti per un'azione DETOX unica nel settore. As an alessandro commercial customer you have access to more than 2000 Professional Products. Saint-Acior Starterset. Colour Explosion The new it nail polish colors of alessandro must be easy. 48-168. Page 1 of 1 . Denne omgangs beautykalenderlåge indeholder et Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit som har alt man skal bruge for at lave en fuld mani, som ikke bare er rigtig holdbar, men når den skal af igen, så kan den altså bare pilles af! alessandro Striplac Hufstäbchen, 1 Stück, 1er Pack (1 x 1 Stück) alessandro Striplac Korrekturstift, 1er Pack 1 x 4.5 ml. 2. STRIPLAC Peel or Soak "Seaside" 8 ml. 48-167. @alessandrointernational posted on their Instagram profile: "Die LED-Nagellack-Innovation für zu Hause! Zaujal vás svlékací lak na nehty Alessandro Striplac Peel Off? Alessandro Striplac kaufen im DOUGLAS Online-Shop - Nagellack zum Ausziehen. Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Sun 07.12.2013. STRIPLAC PS Starter Kit. 100,76 € . http://www.jeban.com/viewtopic . L'innovativa tecnologia "wear-boosting" garantisce una tenuta di almeno 7 giorni senza scheggiature e la massima lucentezza. Alessandro Striplac starter kit, including LED lamp: €98,95; Nail polish: Essence Colour & Go nail polish €1,60 compared to Alessandro Striplac €16,95. Create salon style nails in an instant - long lasting, scratch and chip resistant with a superb high gloss finish. Striplac Peel or Soak Midnight Black 5ml. Έχω όμως για τα νύχια. Nails, nails, nails Starter Kit includes everything you need for the perfect manicure. Ponadto znajdziesz u nas kremy, olejki i. morbida consistenza e le composizioni delle fantastiche essenze profumate trasportano in una nuova dimensione della manicure, e la cura delle unghie diventa un piacere dei sensi. Striplac von alessandro ist ein einzigartiger Peel-Off UV/LED-Nagellack zum Abziehen ohne schädliche Lösungsmittel. Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit Review. Hardens all Striplac Peel or Soak products. . della vostra pelle. You can buy this product in the following online shops: We have more than one product for this color: Striplac Peel or Soak Starter Kit Standard• For preparing the natural nail prior to applying Striplac Peel. Everyone can get beautiful, professional-looking nails with Alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak. • THREE OPTIMUM timer settings: 30, 60 and 90 seconds. from 1 customer reviews in 2 languages. Alessandro Striplac set za nokte sadrži Twin Coat, koji je ujedno Base i Top Coat, te crveni Peel off Striplac gel-lak/trajni lak, koji . Check out our wide selection of colors on our website www.striplac.de. Striplac hält 3 Mal länger als üblicher Nagellack, - mit der Soak off-Variante sogar noch länger, und das ohne abzusplittern. J'avais encore l'ongle traumatisé par ma précédente mésaventure. Gli smalti Alessandro in 99 colori trendy consigliati dagli esperti non lasciano nulla a desiderare. • 18 high-quality LEDs with 36 W effective power output. In die Filiale lieferbar. The amount of colours offered. Alessandro International StripLac Peel or Soak Starter Kit Limited Edition Brand: Alessandro International. As an alessandro commercial customer you have access to more than 2000 Professional Products. Sun Garden Nails UV Gel Starterset Starlight. Striplac ist der Nagellack zum Ausziehen! Sicheres ablösen mit dem Striplac Peel-Off Aktivator. 18,99 € STRIPLAC PS 170 Hula Love. Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit 6-teilig Ingredients. The Striplac Starter Kit contains all products required for. Striplac Peel or Soak Starter Kit Standard• For preparing the natural nail prior to applying Striplac Peel or Soak Manicure • Improves adhesion on oily and stressed nails • Reduces the risk of lifting for extra durability • Air dries VEGAN FRIENDLY: Non testati sugli animali e pigmenti solo di origine vegetale. the world's first peel-off UV/LED nail polish was launched at Sephora KLCC, located in Kuala Lumpur recently.The new "peel off polish".peel off polish". Sicheres Ablösen mit dem Striplac Peel-Off Aktivator. Prendetevi cura di voi stesse, scoprite il mondo unico dei prodotti ALESSANDO SPA: il trattamento wellness mani perfetto per i bisogni specifici della pelle. Ganz gleich ob lufttrocknend oder mit UV-Lampe: Gel-Nagellacke beeindrucken nicht nur mit brillanten Farben, sondern auch mit ihrer besonders langen Haltbarkeit. Původně: 3 999 Kč. Striplac Peel or Soak New York Grey 5ml. VEGAN FRIENDLY: Non Kód: 48-179. Kit contents: - an LED lamp - a red Striplac nail polish "Secret Red" - a Twin Coat - a polishing nail file - a cuticle regrowth - 50 cleaning pads Price of the Kit 99.50 euros (metropolitan price !!) Our payment security system encrypts your information . Related. 89,44 € STRIPLAC PS 178 Classic Blue. Our online store requires some "necessary" cookies (e.g. €126.67 per 100ml. See what Shanice (shansccm) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. gratis prøver 150.000 tilfredse kunder » Bestil her! . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Det er jeg vildt fan af Jeg har prøvet det på, altså ikke det kit som i kan vinde, men det kit jeg selv har og . Product Details. Alessandro je jedan od svjetskih vodećih, najpopularnijih, najkvalitetnijih brendova koji proizvodi materijal za geliranje i nadogradnju noktiju, sa sjedištem u Düsseldorfu, Njemačkoj. I pigmenti NON penetrano attraverso l'unghia e le cuticole: non necessita di una base! Alessandro Striplac Starter set za nokte sa LED lampom NOVO!!! V DM-u za 49,90 eur, kar, če pomisliš, da sta to dva obiska pri profesionalki, niti ni tako veliko. 48-171. Sklep alessandro specjalizuje się w wyjątkowych produktach do paznokci, między innymi lakierach striplac. Einmal mit diesem Kit ausgestattet bist Du hervorragend gerüstet und kannst das Kit mit weiteren erhältlichen Farben ergänzen. 1 was here. Bei diesem Alessandro Maniküre-System für den Endverbraucher, handelt es sich um einen lang haftenden Lack der mit LED/UV gehärtet wird. 18,99 € STRIPLAC PS 171 Kiss My Colour. 48-178. 48-170. 18,99 € STRIPLAC . »Obligatory Starter Kit« vsebuje vse potrebno za nanos GelLacka razen barvnih lakov, ki jih izberete po vaših željah. Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit. SPECIAL20 Code kopieren. Product Details. Drive jsem chodila na manikuru kazdy mesic. Striplac by Alessandro. Gelnägel set ohne uv lampe 1; Gelnägel set ohne uv lampe 4; Gelnägel set ohne uv lampe light; Gelnägel set ohne uv lampe paint; Für die professionelle Maniküre von Zuhause aus Jetzt alessandro einkaufen alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Starter Kit - Perfekte Nägel in 15 Minuten - 1x LED-Nagellack Set inklusive Lampe & Striplac - Farbe: Velvet Red alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak . Garancijske pogoje za ALESSANDRO Začetni set Striplac starter kit preveri v trgovini, kjer ga nameravaš kupiti. 15,95 € / 14 ml. Πολλά. THREE OPTIMUM timer settings of 30, 60 and 90 seconds. Ahoj holky, jak uz nazev diskuse napovida, zajimaji me vase zkusenosti se striplacem od alessandro. Striplac Starter Kit DeluxeSTRIPLAC PEEL OR SOAK LED UNIT. NAILS FACTORY UV Gel Nagelstudio Starter Set. Den Striplac kannst du ganz einfach abziehen oder absoaken. 1. alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Soak-Off Liquid 125ml. Rinkinys apima visas pagrindines priemones, kurių reikia puikiam manikiūrui su LED nagų laku. The Alessandro Striplac Starter Kit Deluxe contains everything you need to get started with your first manicure. • Cures all Striplac Peel or Soak products. Laut Hersteller soll die Maniküre ca. Prav tako ne vsebuje GelLack odstranjevalca, ki ga tudi kupite posebej. CHIEDICI QUELLO CHE VUOI E TI RISPONDEREMO VELOCEMENTE! 13,50 €. ALESSANDRO STRIPLAC STARTER KIT Hinta 128,00 € Toimitus (Itella SmartPost - 7.90 € - pakkaus 3kg asti): HKI-2-3 vrk, muut kaupunkit: noin 7 vrk Ensimmäinen UV-kovetteinen Peel-Off -geelilakkaus! Ich habe mir zu Beginn das S. Product description. LED lak na nehty, který se aplikuje jednoduše jako běžný lak, vydrží však minimálně třikrát déle.. Původně: 499 Kč. 18 high quality LEDs with 36 W effective power. Alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Starter Kit Comes with a velvety velvet velvet red nail polish colour The Alessandro Peel or Soak Striplac Starter Kit contains everything you need to start the perfect manicure at home. • Auto-sensor with pre-setting. BESTSELLER Kód: 48-524. We are sure you will love it! Striplac sada na nehty Deluxe. Und das Beste daran: In unserem Sortiment mit über 80 Striplac-Farben ist für jeden die passende Lieblingsfarbe dabei! more than 60 existing colors (without counting White and Rosé to make your French) As a bonus a photo of my nails after 12 days. €139.95. Si basano sulle più recenti formule scientifiche: tutti gli smalti Alessandro sono “6-free” e quindi privi di sostanze nocive quali ftalato di dibutile (DBP), toluolo, formaldeide, resina di formaldeide, canfora, parabeni e xilolo. 10-14 Tage halten. Mit dem Striplac Starter Kit gelingt Euch in gerade mal 15 Minuten eine perfekte . ND24 NailDesign Starter Set Basic. Striplac No: 12 Aliph. 1. brittle nails. K jeho správné aplikaci v domácím prostředí se vám bude hodit tato striplacová startovací sada. Nyni nemam cas ani na to - laky dlouho schnou a kdyz budu hodne optimisticka, vydrzi to pet dni a cely . Kein Feilen, kein Aceton, Schont den Naturnagel! Alessandro STRIPLAC STARTER KIT FRENCH 1 PC Add to cart. Hochwertige Gel-Nagellacke online kaufen - bei Douglas. Fußpflege, auch Hausbesuche Nagelmodellage Striplac Article no. Alle Kits Der ideale Einstieg in die Welt von Striplac. Ušetříte: 900 Kč (-23 %) 3 099 Kč. Polyester urethane acrylate, hema, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, ethyl trimethylbenzoyl phenylphosphinate, nitrocellulose, silica dimethyl silylate, acetyl tributyl citrate, isopropyl alcohol, acrylates copolymer, BHT, [may contain (+/-): CI 15850 (Red7), CI 15880 (Red34), CI 16035 (Red40), CI . Einmal mit diesem Kit ausgestattet, können Sie dieses durch neue Farben ergänzen. Striplac KELIONINIS rinkinys € 39.95 su PVM Į krepšelį; Striplac DELUXE STARTER KIT rinkinys € 129.00 su PVM Į krepšelį; Striplac STARTER KIT rinkinys € 99.95 su PVM Daugiau; Nail Polish Speed Dry purškiamas lako džioviklis (50ml) € 14.95 su PVM Į krepšelį; Nagų lakas PETIT JETE (5ml) € 6.95 su PVM Į krepšelį; Nagų . Ušetříte: 99,80 Kč (-20 %) 399,20 Kč. Davon, dass Striplac nicht mit Nagellackenferner ablackiert . Kombinierbar mit allen Striplac-Farben -besonders helle Striplac Farben bekommen dabei den Extra-Kick! ALESSANDRO Striplac Starter Kit. Я выбрала стартовый набор, т.к. 5. alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Top Coat Matt 8ml. pennello quick-brush garantisce un’applicazione rapida e facile. у меня не было LED лампы, а в наборе ее купить было гораздо выгоднее, чем по отдельности. . €19.00. Items 1 to 24 of 102 total. Free delivery for many products! Bestil Striplac Striplac Starter Kit fra Alessandro online Originale varer Hurtig forsendelse Inkl. und kann bei einem Farbwechselvorsichtig vom Naturnagel abgezogen werden. Alessandro International StripLac Peel or Soak Starter Kit Limited Edition 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,235 alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Hula Love LED Nail Polish in Shimmering Raspberry Tone for Perfect Nails in 15 Minutes 8 ml <br /> - Purchase on account possible<br /> - from 100 free shipping<br /> - 14 days return guarantee<br /> - B Mail Il sigillante TOP COAT BESTSELLER di ultima generazione sviluppato dalla ricerca Alesandro International. Slika za ALESSANDRO Striplac je lahko simbolična, zato se pred nakupom v trgovini . testati sugli animali e pigmenti solo di origine vegetale. Striplac Peel or Soak Pretty Ballerina 5ml, Striplac Peel or Soak Protective Coat Feet 8 ml, Colour Chart Striplac Peel or Soak 80 Colours. 2. Queensland Nagelstudio Starterset. nocive quali ftalato di dibutile (DBP), toluolo, formaldeide, resina di formaldeide, canfora, parabeni e xilolo, : Non Product 45-032b 135 ml Product 45-046b 500 ml. Striplac è l'unico semipermanente al mondo che non necessita di alcun tipo di acetone o solvente per la rimozione.Infatti, grazie alla tecnologia PEEL OFF, quando si ha voglia di cambiare colore, basta semplicemente sfilare Striplac dall'unghia. 11 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2014 - 14:50. Im Sortiment von Douglas finden Sie beide Varianten. 1,59 € / 10 Stk. Lang anhaltender Glanz. Woohoo, 99 shades of the regular Alessandro International nailpolish range! La combinazione di competenze specialistico-professionali con svariati principi attivi ha dato vita ad una serie di prodotti innovativi, dai risultati immediatamente visibili. 10,80 € pro 100ml. alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak (Lila- und Blau) 8ml. Meanail Paris Ruby XXL. for the shopping cart), while others with your consent help us to improve our offer, provide additional features and operate economically. Price: £61.90 (£61.90 / Stück) + £4.00 delivery: Secure transaction Your transaction is secure We work hard to protect your security and privacy. testati sugli animali e pigmenti solo di origine vegetale, specifiche necessità dei diversi tipi di unghie, SPEDIZIONI TRAMITE CORRIERE ESPRESSO - CONSEGNA IN 24/48 ORE. You consent - also expressly to the transfer of data to the U.S. (see No. alessandro Striplac Peel or Soak Reinigungspads. Alessandro Striplac is now available in Sephora Malaysia.
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